The Obelisk in Istanbul; The Obelisk from Tutmosis to Constantine in Istanbul

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Mart 14, 2024
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Mart 14, 2024

The Obelisk in Istanbul; The Obelisk from Tutmosis to Constantine in Istanbul

Are you curious about the history of Egypt that one of the most mysterious histories of the world ? 

The Obelisk in Istanbul

We summon you to see that one of the twenty-six. Obelisk have survived until today.

Come to Istanbul ,wherever you are in the world. 

And meet the stupendous works of different cultures from the Egypt to Greece in charming square that has been the capital of the world for thousand of years.

The first woman was mentioned in history,Hatshepsut

About three thousand –five hundred years ago,the first Tutmosis had two daughters.One of these children will be the first woman that mentioned in history and she will pass as the first pharaoh to the history.That woman Hatshepsut, who was believed to be a man for a long time and understood to be a woman after DNA test.
Hatshepsut married with her stepbrother ,the second Tutmosis who was the first marriage of the first Tutmosis.
She had given birth two daughters like her mother but she couldn’t have given birth son.Thereith, the second Tutmosis married with another woma and had a boy from her. .
The third Tutmosis should be replaced after the second Tutmosis’s death. Hatshepsut was declared as administer of the state government so as to Tutmosis was stil under age. This moment for Hatshepsut was the first female pharaoh in the world history. Hatshepsut had been remained on the throne for twenty-two years.
Hatshepsut, described as a man by Egyptian historians because of wearing beard and dressed like a man, whose tomb was found in the valley of kings in 1903. It was determined by DNA tests in 2007 that she was a woman.

The Story of Obelisk in Egypt.

After the death of Hatshepsut who created a peaceful and high welfare Egypt, the third Tutmosis was the one of the pharaohs who took the power long period of time and managed the country for thirty years. 
Unlike the policies that Hatshepsut carried out, the third Tutmosis set sails to Asia, on the other hand, the third Tutmosis who felt great jealousy to Hatshepsut ,tried to show Hatshepsut as an unsrupulous one by make away with all the insciptions belonging to her. In the eighth voyage, the third Tutmosis had won a great victory and built on obelisk in the Temple of Karnak.
Thus, the presence in historical position of the obelisk on the Hippodrome, is now Sultanahmet in Istanbul which has already begun.

A gift from Constantine to Istanbul

Taking the positon of the Obelisk in Istanbul was quite toilsome. The first interaction of the Obelisk with Istanbul started with the Contantine’s desire to bring the Obelisk to Hippodreome while the Emperor Constantine was rebuilding the city. Constantine sent a letter to Alenxandria. 
‘’ Sending the monolithic Stone is suitable to contribute about blossom out this city where meets generously when your ships g oto the Black Sea and contribute to nourishment of this city. 
Coming the obelisk to the Istanbul was in period of the son of Constantine, the second Constantine who was successor after Constantine.
The second Constantine is brought the Obelisk to the Istanbul from Egypt .But it stays there for a long time as it was left. The first Theodosius started to work about bringing the Stone to the hippodrome after he came to the throne. 
There was made a road form the shore to the Hippodrome. It lasted thirty-two days to set up of this Stone that took three days to bring to area.
If the original height is thirty metres ,its current elevation is eighteen point fourty-five metres and the pedestal is six point fourty-three meters. It estimated that the weight is about two hundred tons.

The Obelisk Monuments in The World

There are twenty-six Egyptian Obelisks that came until today. The Pharaohs set up monuments called as obelisk to tell themselves and their success in wars.These stones were set up in the entrance of th temples , are usually set up in pairs. The Romans attached great importance to these stones. The stones are in Italy today more than the stones in Egypt. The other obelisk are in Turkey,USA ,England ,France and Israel.

The Egypt Hieroglyphs

Kuzey Cephesi
”Gizli ve kutsal ismin her tecellisine mazhar olan tanrı Amon’a kurbanını büyük bir acz içinde sunduktan sonra, ondan yardımlar dilenerek güneyin dostu, dinin nuru iki tacın sahibi kudretli hükümdar ülkesinin sınırlarını Mezopotamya’ya kadar götürmeye azmetti.”
Kuzeybatı Cephesi
”18.sülaleden Yukarı ve Asağı Mısır’ın sahibi 3.Tutmosis, Tanrı Amon’a kurbanını sunduktan sonra Horus’un yardımıyla bütün denizleri ve nehirleri hükmü altına alarak hükümdarlığının otuzuncu yılı bayramında bu sütunu daha nice zamanların getireceği bayramlar için yaptırdı ve dikti.”
Güney Cephesi
”Tanrı Horus’un lütfuna mazhar olan ve güneşin oğlu ünvanını taşıyan Aşağı ve Yukarı Mısır’ın hükümdarı olan firavun, kudret ve adaletle bütün ufuklara nur saçtı. Ordusunun önüne geçti. Akdeniz’de dolaştı, bütün dünyayı mağlup etti. Sınırlarını Naharin’e kadar yaydı. Mezopotamya’ya azimle gitti, büyük savaşlar yaptı.”
Güneydoğu Cephesi
”Güneşin doğduğu sırada sahip olduğu altın renkleri dünyaya yayan Horus’un verdiği kuvveti, serveti, kuvvetli sevgi, saygıyı taşıyan ve Aşağı ve Yukarı Mısır’ın tacına sahip olan ve bizzat Güneş tarafından seçilmiş olan firavun, bu eseri babası Ra için yaptırdı.”
Dikilitaş’ın kaidesinde yer alan yazılarsa Grekçe ve Latince yazılmıştır.
Grekçe yazı;
”Devamlı bir suretle yerde duran bu taşı dikme cesaretini İmparator Theodosius gösterdi ve yardımına Proclus çağrıldı. Bu şekilde otuz iki günde yerine dikildi.”
Latince metinde;
”Önceleri direnmiştim; fakat yüce efendimizin emirlerine itaat ederek, yenilen tiranlar üzerinde zafer çelengini taşımam gerekti. Her şey Theodosius ve onun kesintisiz sülalesine boyun eğiyor. Bana da galip geldiler ve reis Proclus’un idaresi altında otuz günde yükselmeye mecbur oldum.”

Istanbul calls you

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