
Mart 14, 2024

The Million Stone;The Journey to The Center of The World

Would you like to travel to the center of the World? The Million Stone We can describe it to you The center of the world İstanbul […]
Mart 14, 2024

The Forum Cemberlitas

The Forum Cemberlitas The Trip to Istanbul from The Temple of Apollon The talisman that was given its name to the district The legend of the […]
Mart 14, 2024

The German Fountain

The last monument which was erected in Istanbul,Historical Hippodrome; The German Fountain The fountain that its dome was made from gold. It was brought by carrying […]
Mart 14, 2024

The Aya Maria Church

The Aya Maria Church The distressing life directed her to holiness.She was memorialized as Mary of Empire.She was portrayed with the Prophet in Chora Church. The […]